Thursday, August 16, 2012

Utah Restaurant Mobile Website - Restaurant Internet Marketing

Utah Restaurant Mobile Website - Restaurant Internet Marketing


You don’t have to look very far to see that nearly everyone is using some sort of wireless device and these devices are being used by a growing number of users to access the internet.

Failing to recognize this could mean you’re losing out on a large portion of your potential market share.

We’ve all heard the phrase: “Leaving money on the table”… It means neglecting opportunities to make as much profit as possible with products and/or services you already sell. But how does this apply to mobile websites?

Well for starters, if you don’t have a mobile version of your business website, your mobile visitor is forced to view the desktop version of your website on the small screen of their mobile device. This tends to lead to frustration and the visitor quickly leaves without finding what they were looking for.

Mobile websites are designed and coded so they can fit within the exact screen size used on mobile phones.

Business mobile websites allow businesses to advertise their products and services directly to mobile phone users who use their mobile phone to search for products and services at the instant they are needed.

1) Another online medium to market your business brand

2) Create the perception of a reputable and trusted business and show you are above your competitors

3) Increases business “find ability” and market reach to customers on the move

4) Increases your business search engine listings and rankings this is a plus in Google search

5) Grow your customer database by using mobile site coupon codes and QR codes

6) Directly market to your prospects and customers personal mobile phone with instant offers

7) Improve communication interaction between your business and your customer’s with content that has a specific call to action

 Make changes to your mobile site content quickly and easily with no technical knowledge just call us and we can make the changes for you in no time.

9) We can add daily or weekly specials – Coupons, QR Codes and events right to your Mobile website or calendar.

10) Process real time online payment transactions for instant payment for purchases if needed via PayPal

11) Give customers a “direct dial” link into your business for support from their mobile phone

4 Reasons Why You Should Have A Mobile Version Of Your Business Website


To begin, if you don’t have a mobile version of your business website, your mobile visitor is forced to view the desktop version of your website on the small screen of their mobile device.  This tends to lead to frustration and the visitor quickly leaves without finding what they were looking for.

Before we purchase anything these days, we like to know a little more about what we are thinking about buying. Generally we will search online to read any reviews or complaints that have been posted about the product or services in question.  However, we know for any business to succeed it must ensure that it can provide information that its potential customers will want.  Certainly in the last few years the importance of mobile websites for local businesses has grown quite substantially.

So, what are the reasons why you should have a mobile version of your business website and have it mobile friendly?  Below, I take a look at some of these.

1)  Year by year the number of people who are choosing to use the internet for information is growing by leaps and bounds.  During the last ten years, there has been a huge rise in internet usage.  As a matter of fact, in the USA alone, it grew an amazing 150% between 2000 and 2010.

2)  Around 60% of all people who own a mobile phone today will go online and around half of these will actually be spending time online at least once each day.

3)  The creating of a mobile website for your business is relatively inexpensive.  Although, how they are designed is different from the way in which a traditional website will be designed because of the screen size and resolutions that need to be worked with.  Plus, you will find that creating such a site doesn’t take up as much time.

4)  Mobile websites allow businesses to advertise their products and services directly to mobile phone users who use their mobile phone to search for products and services at the instant they are needed.

Call us Today for your Utah Mobile Local Restaurant Internet Marketing needs in Salt Lake City and Beyound. Text 801-769-0112 for more information. Mobile Website creation - Email\SMS\Coupon Promotions

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