Monday, August 17, 2015

Buy the New Book by Author Lexi Quisenberry - What You Don't Expect When you Become a Young Mother

Hello ,
Announcing my client Lexi Quisenberry's new book, Available now on Amazon!
For a limited time it will be on sale for .99 Cents

What You Don't Expect When You Become a Young Mother: The Ultimate Guide For Young Mothers on How to Overcome Criticism, Gain Confidence, Build Faith, Find Your Purpose, and Conquer Motherhood

Help me out and pre-order it TODAY to push Lexi to #1 on Amazon.
Lexi's inspiring story guides young mothers to find their purpose, faith, strength and how to conquer motherhood at a young age. Lexi shares her life experiences on how she met the challenges of becoming a teenage mother at the age of 18. Her book gives young mothers the guide to coping with criticism, gaining confidence, building faith, finding purpose and conquering motherhood.

Here's the link at Amazon

Register your book for a free bonus
Thanks again,

Lexi Quisenberry

p.s., Get a free bonus GIFT when you email your receipt.

p.p.s., Here's the link to pre-order the book and thanks again ...

-Jenn Foster
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