Wednesday, December 17, 2014

YouTube - Who is Watching? | Why Video Works!

YouTube - Who is Watching? | Why Video Works!

The Big Shift:
Internet Traffic:  Online Video will account for 69% of consumer internet traffic by 2017

Who's Watching?  of all the internet users who watch video online:
65% are Male
57% are Female
78% are ages 18-29
66% are ages 30-49
45% are ages 50 +

Why Video Works?
Video Attracts & Converts
Video attracts 3x as many monthly visitors,
doubles their time on the site,
and increases organic traffic from search engines by 157%

Video Retains Website Visitors

If you need Video for your Business Contact Biz Social Boom Today!  Call or Text - 801-901-3480 and you can receive a free guide to Social Media.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Do you have Video on the home page of your website?

Do you have Video on the home page of your website? 

I wanted to share with you a free info graphic about video.
But first can you answer a few simple questions?
Do you have video on  the homepage of your website?
If not, Why?
  • It is too expensive.
  • I Don't know how to make a video.
  • I don't want to be on camera.
Please Email me with your reply 

and then Click here to download your Video Info graphic today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Shop Small Saturday Salt Lake City - Digital Marketing Expert

Shop Small today and every day!

Dear Valued Customer,

When you shop at small, local businesses like BIZ SOCIAL BOOM, you're supporting the neighborhood, too.† So call us today, check out our Web Design and Internet Marketing, and Shop Small(R) with us today.

You can find us at 63 East 11400 South 230, between the hours of 9am and 5pm on Monday - Friday.

Thanks again for supporting small businesses like ours. And when you #shopsmall, please make sure you share your experience on social media, so others can find and support us, too.

Hope to see you soon!

-Biz Social Boom

Monday, August 18, 2014

How to Increase Your Instagram Engagement by 182%

How to Increase Your Instagram Engagement by 182%

You may know Instagram as the place for sharing selfies, but it is one of the fastest growing social media platforms with over 200 million users. It gets 15 times more user engagement than Facebook and 40 times more engagement than Twitter.
To help you answer that question, I’ve created an infographic that breaks down exactly what you need to do in order to get maximum engagement on Instagram.
Click on the image below to see a larger view:


The one thing I’ve learned about social sites, including Instagram, is that you are not going to see results right away. But if you keep at it, you’ll start seeing traction within six to twelve months.
If you are going to get on Instagram, make sure you link to your website within your profile bio. Sadly, you can’t add links in any other way, but the branding exposure is still worth it.
In what other ways can you get more Instagram engagement?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

How Much Should You Spend on SEO Services?

How Much Should You Spend on SEO Services?

Nearly every business today must decide how much to spend on search engine optimization (SEO). This isn't an if question. Robust online marketing is imperative for survival in a web-driven world.
The question every business professional must ask is, "How much will we spend on SEO?" Keep reading for all the information you'll need to make that decision, plus some helpful tips on how SEO agencies work so you can be successful as you forge a crucial partnership with an online marketing firm.

SEO Payment Models

To understand the dollars and cents discussed below, you must understand payment models used by agencies. SEO agencies typically offer four main forms of services and payment:
  • Monthly retainer: In this model, clients pay a set fee each month in exchange for an agreed-upon array of services. The monthly retainer is the most common payment model, because it provides the greatest ROI. Monthly retainer arrangements usually include regular analytics reports, on-site content improvements, press releases, link building,keyword research, and optimization.
  • Contract services at fixed prices: Nearly all SEO agencies sell contract services. Often, before a client is ready to engage a monthly retainer, they will select contract services that they want to have completed. The services that an SEO agency offers are often advertised on their site, along with a price. A typical example of this is an SEO website audit which can help determine existing strengths and weaknesses in the client’s online presence, competitive analysis, as well as keywords that have the highest potential to return positive ROI.
  • Project-based pricing: Project fees are similar to contract services with the exception that they are custom projects created specifically for a client. Pricing varies according to the project. For example, a local cupcake shop may ask an SEO agency to help them with their local online marketing. The client decides that they want the agency to establish their social media accounts. The cupcake business and the SEO agency will decide on the scope and cost of the project.
  • Hourly consulting: This familiar consulting model is an hourly fee in exchange for services or information.
Most SEO agencies use all of these payment models. Likewise, clients may work with an agency using more than one model. For example, a client may choose to enter into a monthly retainer, purchase a contract service, and engage in a special project with the agency, thus entering into three of the payment models.

Typical SEO Costs

So, what should you expect to pay? Here's a survey of the range of the costs according to the payment models described above.
  • Monthly retainer: $750-5,000 per month. Within this range, the amount that a client pays depends on the size of their business and the extent of services provided by the agency. On the lower end of this spectrum are small SEO agencies that offer a limited range of services. On the upper range are businesses with greater needs working with full-service SEO agencies. Most businesses pay between $2,500 and $5,000 for a monthly retainer.
  • Contract services at fixed prices: price variable. Businesses that are just testing the waters in SEO usually choose a contract service as an entry point. Typical contract services include things like SEO copywriting ($0.15-$0.50/word), site content audit ($500-$7,500), link profile audit ($500-$7,500), and social media site setup ($500-$3,000).
  • Project-based pricing: price variable. Since there are a variety of projects, there is a wide range of prices. Most projects cost from $1,000 to $30,000.
  • Hourly consulting rate: $100-300/hr. SEO consultants, whether individuals or agencies, usually charge between $100 and $300 per hour.
(Some of these figures are taken from a 2011 SEO moz survey of 500 consultants and agencies.)

Things You Should Be Suspicious of

Any discussion of SEO agencies and pricing isn't complete without a few warnings. To help you guard against indiscriminate SEO agencies with unethical business practices, read and heed. Be suspicious of the following promises:
  • Guarantees. SEO firms generally can't provide guarantees due to the constantly changing nature of the industry.
  • Instant results. True, some SEO tactics can get "instant results" by gaming the system. Be warned that these can hurt you in the long run. Instant results often involve SEO practices that are against webmaster guidelines put out by search engines. Invariably, Google seeks out these techniques and penalizes them, resulting in lost rankings that can take months to recover.
  • #1 spot on Google. If an agency promises you the number one spot on Google, it sounds great. Hopefully, you'll be able to get it. However, it's not something that a firm can promise to hand over to you.
  • Costs lower than $750/month. When it comes to SEO, you aren't shopping for the lowest price; you're seeking the best level of service. Be wary of rock bottom prices or "unbelievable deals."
  • Shady link building services. Link building is a crucial part of SEO. You can't have a highly-ranked site without inbound links. But there's a dark side of link building. Link trust is gaining importance to appear high in the rankings. Before you enter into an arrangement with an SEO agency for link building services, ensure that their link building services are ethical, white label services. You may even wish to ask them where they may be able to gain links for a business in your industry.

Things to Keep in Mind

As you begin shopping for SEO agencies and making your decision, be mindful of the following points:
  • SEO takes time. A monthly retainer is best. Think of SEO as a long-term investment. Aggressive campaigns and major pushes may have their place, but the most enduring SEO results come from a long-term relationship. In SEW's Mark Jackson wrote, "The real value of SEO efforts are, generally, not realized in the first month(s) of the effort." It's true. SEOs don't wave a magic wand and get instant results. Instead, they perform extensive operations that will produce results months down the road.
  • SEO changes, and your rankings will change, too. The field is full of competitors, and rankings rise and fall with the changing of algorithms and the entrance of new competitors. One-and-done SEO tricks simply don't work. It takes constant monitoring to keep your website ranking well and performing at top-notch levels.
  • Not all SEO services are created equal. Again, SEO isn't about shopping around for the lowest prices. It's about finding the finest agency you can. Look for an SEO agency that defines its scope of services, and takes the time to educate you.
  • SEO is important. Do it. The point of your website is to increase and/or improve your business. Unless people are finding your website, it's not even worth having one. The smart thing is to pay what it takes to keep your site findable by the people who are looking.
  • Hiring an SEO agency is best. You may be thinking, "Can't I just do this SEO thing on my own?" A tiny percentage of business owners or professionals have the skill and savvy to do their own SEO. Even so, comprehensive SEO takes way more time than most business owners can afford. Even an employee who "knows a lot about SEO," will be hard-pressed to deliver the level of services and excellence found in a SEO agency. You'll rarely come out on top if you try to go it alone, and you'll never get the same level of ROI that you would with a competent SEO agency.

You Decide

For most businesses today, SEO is the highest ROI marketing effort. The benefits it provides exceed the value of other marketing approaches – direct mailing, broadcast advertising, online ads, etc.
No longer do businesses decide whether they need SEO services. Instead, they decide how much they're going to spend. As long as they choose a quality SEO agency, their decision will lead to incredible amounts of revenue.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reputation Marketing Services in Salt Lake City, Utah and Surrounding Areas

Reputation Marketing Services in Salt Lake City, Utah and Surrounding Areas

Most other reputation management companies only monitor your online reputation. At Biz Social Boom we have a much more comprehensive and proactive approach. We actively build and market your online reputation.

Our Repuation Marketing Strategy

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Here's Everything Included In Our Reputation Marketing Suite. Booya!

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How much is a new customer worth to your business?

For most of our clients, a new customer is worth anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars to their business. We want this to be the easiest business decision you've ever made. Our service is an investment that will pay for itself over and over, month after month. So give us a try risk-free for 60 days and take advantage of our 'We-Lose You-Win Guarantee'

Monday, June 2, 2014

Web Design Utah - Utah Web Design (801) 657-3577

Web Design Services for the World Wide Web and  for  Mobile Phones.

We are a professional web design company, which provides you with a wide spectrum of web designs  individual as well as corporate. Custom design for the internet and mobile phones.

Biz Social Boom is a consulting agency which provides marketing solutions to companies who want to be found on the mobile web. We connect businesses to this new and growing audience by first creating attractive and engaging mobile websites. 

We offer affordable custom web design services, and development by using the newest technologies in this field. The mission of any web design and Internet marketing company is to provide their clients with the modern web, innovative, cost-and time-effective solutions. We strive to accurately represent values, mission, character and head their client site towards target

audience, making it relevant to their market and field. We offer affordable, fast, accessible and user friendly custom designed works which help to grow audience and business. We have an individual approach to every client, flexible support and services system.

We perfectly know how to create and develop web site effectively, make it more attractive and convenient for Internet users.


Friday, May 30, 2014

Internet Marketing Salt Lake City -Digital Marketing Expert

Internet Marketing Salt Lake City -Digital Marketing Expert Internet Marketing Salt Lake City - Digital Marketing Expert.  Contact Biz Social Boom today at 801-901-3480

The Marketing Paradigm has shifted. Nearly all consumers (97%) now use online media when researching products or services. The misconception is that only young people use these technologies when in fact, nearly all of the buying public now uses them.

Marketing has also shifted from a one-way broadcast to a multi-point conversation. In the past, communications were "broadcast" exclusively through mass marketing channels like radio, TV and newspapers. However with social media,  much of the communication is controlled by the prospects through services like Facebook and Twitter, which have more than 700 million members combined. Additionally, YouTube, gets 300 million visitors a month.

You need a knowledgeable expert to help you plan and execute online and mobile marketing strategies with zero extra effort on your part. Review our pages and contact us for a no-obligation consultation to help  your business with Internet Marketing to Increase your Local Traffic, Online Traffic and In Store Traffic.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Create a Marketing Plan by Answering These Essential Questions.

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Create a Marketing Plan by Answering These Essential Questions!

Writing a small business marketing plan

You've built your small business, developed your products and services and you're ready to make sales: all you're missing, is an audience. Marketing is the stepping stone that lets people know about what you've created and encourages them to buy; for that, you need a marketing plan.
You don't need to be an expert at marketing to create a useful small business marketing plan, you just need to ask the right questions, do some research and create some compelling answers.
Marketing needn't be a 'dark art' and so long as you approach it with an open mind and there are some simple, practical steps you can take right now to put an effective strategy together. This should result in a marketing plan that works, getting you better value for money for your marketing budget and helping you grow your business.
In this article, I’ll share the questions that will help you create a lightweight and effective approach.

It's important to take a closer look at how you define your products, services and audience. Asking these questions will help you identify exactly what you have to offer, who might be interested in buying your products and services and where you might find your audience.
These questions are all about understanding what your small business has to offer your customers, helping you to define your product and service and the unique selling points that make the difference.

What is the specific product or service that you are marketing?

Clearly define in one or two sentences exactly what your business provides, emphasizing your key products and services as a customer might experience them.

What is it about your product or service that is unique or sets it apart?

Explain what is unique about your business offering. Share some detail on your products and services about what makes them desirable and valuable to your customers.

Why would a customer buy your products or services, rather than one of your competitors?

Think about what helps a customer look at your business and understand what sets it apart from your competitors. Explain the value that your business offering provides: you might set yourself apart through providing higher quality services, unique skills, knowledge or experience, better pricing, a different approach, niche solutions, accessibility or greater value for money.

These questions help you to identify and understand your audience. They will help you decide where your potential audience is, who they are and what they want.

Who are the audience and target market that your products and services are targeted at?

Identify the people or businesses that are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. The more targeted you can make this, the easier this will make things. Remember that it’s much more effective to market to specific niches rather than to the market as a whole.

What does your audience want or need, what is the benefit to them?

Clarify what it is that your target audience specifically requires from your business, product or service. There should be a clearly explainable benefit of what is in it for them as a result of purchasing what you have to offer.

Where does your audience hang out?

Use your experience to think about where your audience are likely to be. There might be popular forums or websites, or perhaps there are magazines or newsletters dedicated to serving the niche your business is serving. Again, the more clearly you can define this, the better as you will be able to target your marketing more effectively.

Next, we’ll examine one of the most important aspects of marketing, the ‘Call to Action’. A call to action is the step that you want a potential customer to take when they interact with your small business. That might be making a purchase, contacting you, submitting information or something else.
Whatever it is, engaging with your audience effectively is critical to winning new business and the quicker and easier you make it, the more success you will have.
These questions are all about engaging with your audience and thecustomer action that you want them to take as a result of seeing your marketing and advertising.

What are the most effective ways / channels to reach your audience?

Based on where your audience hangs out, brainstorm the most likely ways that you might be able to reach them. There are numerous ways including: advertising online or offline (hard copy, media, radio etc.), social media (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google+), advertising on specific websites, forums or newsletters, pay-per-click and display advertising, posting to forums as an expert and many more. Spend some time researching the many and varied channels. It will be well spent.

How will your audience engage with you?

Assuming that people do reach you, think about how you will engage with them. If it is via a website, ensure that the website is setup to handle their visit and guide them to the information they need. If you’re going to speak to them either face-to-face or over the phone, make sure that its easy to reach you. Think about how you can make contacting your business as easy, quick and painless as possible.

What action do you want people to take?

Known as the ‘Call To Action’, this is one of the most vital parts of marketing, defining what you want people to do as a result of them seeing your message and engaging with your business. This might be signing up for a free account, making a purchase from you, getting in touch for further information or something else. This is the next step in the process from converting them from being a potential customer into an actual customer.

What is the next step?

Answering all of these questions will provide a strong basis for a simple and effective marketing plan. Once you know what you are offering, who you are targeting, how you are targeting them and what you want them to do as a result, you’ll be in a much stronger position. You can then use this information to build compelling messages and calls to action that get you customers, build your brand and lead to a successful business.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Local SEO Strategy 2014: For Small To Medium Sized Businesses

Local SEO Strategy 2014: For Small To Medium Sized Businesses

Posted on Monday, 17 March 2014 by  Origianal Post at:  Blog.WooRank
If we always say that change is the only constant in online marketing this is even more important in local SEO. Taking this into account, although we have already discussed extensively on how to optimize your site for local SEO in the past, this post will entail certain local SEO strategies that have been prioritized in 2014.
In 2012, it was reported that 61% of local searches resulted in purchases. In 2013, ever since Google’s Hummingbird update was released, the search engines have become smarter than ever before in returning relevant, personalized and even localized results for searches. Take advantage of being the first one to use the local SEO strategies for 2014 that we highlighted for you:
Local SEO Strategy 2014 For Small To Medium Sized Businesses
Local SEO Strategy 2014 For Small To Medium Sized Businesses

Local SEO Strategies 2014

You might have already optimized for local SEO in the past and the old rules still work, but there are newer strategies that weigh in hugely in 2014:
  • Long Tail And Meaningful Keywords

You may have to rethink your keyword strategy on the website and around every content linked to your  website. With Google’s Hummingbird update in the picture, keywords in the form of questions (e.g. what is the best pizza place in Manhattan) deliver as good and relevant search results as their robot-friendly counterparts (e.g. Pizza Place Manhattan).
Take a look at the following example for Pizza Place Manhattan.
Local Search Result For Pizza Place Manhattan
Local Search Result For Pizza Place Manhattan
And now take a look at Google search result for what is the best pizza place in Manhattan.
Local Search Result For What Is The Best Pizza Place In Manhattan
Local Search Result For What Is The Best Pizza Place In Manhattan
In the traditional search, both these search terms would have given you similar results. But now 90 percent of those results do not bear resemblance to each other. That is because Google search understands the user intent much better. So, if you want to target the second category of search users, you would rather use long tail keywords in your site content as well as every other content linked to your site. But it does not mean that if you use long tail keywords, you will show up in the first page of Google Map results for that keyword. There is a combination of many other factors in play here and they are discussed below.
  • Optimize For Organic SEO

Adam Steele from Lean Marketing and Mike Blumenthals of did some recent local pack (set of local search results) case study on Google SERPs. They found that these local results were influenced by individual website’s organic SEO ranking. This means that if you rank well for organic SEO, you will rank better in local search results as well. So, do not give up on your organic SEO efforts in 2014 and keep working with meta title and meta description optimization, heading tag optimization, page speed, image optimization, url optimization, rich snippets, social media optimization, strategic link building, content marketing, conversion optimization, to name a few.
  • Optimized Google Maps And Google Plus Local

Google maps have always been a core local SEO ranking factor with local businesses. The integration of Google maps and business previews from the corresponding Google+ Local have increasingly strong correlation to local SEO.
Google Maps And Google Plus Local Local SEO Strategy 2014
Google Maps And Google Plus Local Local SEO Strategy 2014
Thus, if you have an optimized Google Maps and Google Plus Local page, your local SEO strategy of 2014 is headed towards the right direction. Take note of the major local SEO optimization points below with respect to Google Maps and Google Plus Local
    • Accurate NAP – When accurate NAP (name, address and phone number) details are available.
    • Address Match On Website – The NAP details must match with that on your website.
    • Proximity to Google’s City Marker – When your location is closer to a city recognized by Google on the map.
    • Number of Reviews – The higher the number of reviews on Google+ page, the better.
    • Quality of Links – The quality of websites that mention your business, website or NAP details (with a link to your website).
    • Number of Local Citations – Citations from local business listing sites or review sites.
    • Number of Third-Party Reviews  – Number of reviews you receive on sites other than Google+.
  • Pinterest Place Pins 

Pinterest announced a new feature in November 2013 that was called Place Pins. This feature would be of a certain interest to local businesses in the food and hospitality industry.
Place Pins Feature For Desktop And SmartPhones On Pinterest
Place Pins Feature For Desktop And Smartphones On Pinterest
Users of Pinterest, can pin new destinations that they already have on their boards or search new places on the map. The map search is powered by FourSquare.
If you have a good fan following for the amazing services you give to your local visitors in a restaurant, resort or hotel, pinners can view your NAP and service details and images of your business related products and services right on the map. Read this article that gives a step-by-step guide to Place Pins, to local businesses.
  • Getting Local Citations

There is no change to this local SEO strategy in 2014, only that it gains in importance. In the post Hummingbird era, local citations from quality directories and other locally relevant sites are still very important to gain higher local SEO ranking on Google search. Check with Get Listed how well you are listed around the web in locally relevant sites. Use this tool to check if you are listed under the right business category with Google Places. We recommend using a Microsoft Excel worksheet  or similar to keep track of all your business listings. You can use this template to save and track your business’s local listing. Keep your listings duly updated with accurate NAP details. We have hand-picked a list of quality business listing sites for major countries. Check whether you are listed in them:
  • Mobile SEO
Forty per cent of mobile searches have local intent. Local SEO is not influenced by mobile SEO (yet), but mobile SEO sure depends on local SEO. This is because not every small, mid-sized and large businesses have optimized for mobile yet. Their website’s rankings on desktop thus cannot be influenced based on their website’s mobile performance. But in the near future there exists a possibility that search engines rank sites with mobile-friendly websites too, on account of the rising numbers in smartphone and tablet users.
On the other hand, when you are on top of your local SEO, you have a higher advantage of ranking high on mobile SEO. In such cases, if a mobile user happens to visit your site, you will be required to give them an awesome mobile experience, otherwise it is just going to affect your local rankings on mobile. Take a look at some statistics that support my point on why mobile SEO is important for local SEO of small to medium businesses:
    • Ninety percent of American adults own a mobile phone out of which 58 percent own smartphones. (Source: PewResearch)
    • Sixty-three percent use the mobile to access websites. (Source: PewResearch)
    • Google’s study on mobile search suggests that 40 percent of mobile searchers are for local services or resources. (Source: Google)
    • Every three out of four mobile searches is a follow-up action that includes tasks such as research, store visit, social media sharing and a phone call. (Source: Econsultancy)
If your small business does not have a mobile-friend site yet, check out our three part series of blogs for that give you a list of responsive web design tools:
Search engines such as Google spare no time in updating their algorithms to improve the quality of local SERPs. This poses a real challenge, especially for the small and mid-sized local businesses, who cannot afford local SEO experts to keep their site up-to-date to these changing trends.
But, it is not all that difficult on your own either. Just know what you are doing and prioritize your local SEO strategies in 2014 accordingly. You will compete alongside bigger brands on local search, sooner enough.

 These were the priority-based local strategies of 2014. Let me know how many of these strategies you have adopted already this year?
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