Friday, August 30, 2013

Mobile Marketing Magic: Making the Most of the Hot New Trend by Penny C. Sansevieri

The term "mobile" tends to confuse a lot of business owners. Questions pop up like "Do I really need it?", "Is my site mobile ready?" and, "What do consumers expect from mobile?" Deciding to go mobile is, for many, no longer an option. With staggering numbers of people accessing content on their mobile phones, mobile is a must. I asked Tania Mulry of DDx Media to spend some time breaking mobile down for us.
Q: Why is mobile marketing so important today?
Admit it. Your mobile phone is a remote control for your life. No other form of media can compare to its power in your life. It is your most personal device, and you almost never share it, unlike TVs, radios, newspapers, magazines and computers. Your mobile phone is always on, always with you and most likely, you even sleep next to it!
According to Wireless Intelligence, there are over 6.4 billion mobile connected devices in the world as of this writing. Considering the world population just crossed 7 billion, that's pretty amazing! A survey conducted by the Cellular Telephone Industry Association (CTIA) determined that 92 percent of Americans simply do not leave the house without their cell phones.

Penny C. Sansevieri

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